Wings of Love

Pink spray


5476Cocoa Butter - Callets™20 g


High-Quality Belgian White Chocolate Obsession 30200 g
11181Natural Powder Colouring - Red5 g


  • Mix the melted cocoa butter with the colouring
  • Blend it into the warm (45°C) white chocolate.


  • Mould the heart-shaped blisters (art. 611541/art. 611536) with white crystallised chocolate and let them harden.
  • Remove the half-heart shapes from the mould and fill them with ready-made rose-flavoured crisp (art. 1895).
    Tip: Vary the ready-made crisp with other flavours.
  • Seal both halves and stick them together.

  • Create a stencil for the wings using a scalpel and guitar sheets (art. 170118)
  • Spread white crystallised chocolate over these stencils and place them in a bûche mould.
  • Once hardened, carefully remove the plastic.
  • Attach the wings to the heart and spray the entire piece with crystallised pink spray.
Choc Ola Valentijn Wing Of Love crop



390386PVC Folding Box - 10 x 10 x H10 cm
392216Base KT - Hollywood - 10 x 10 x H3 cm
300007Ribbon - Belsatin pink - COL10 - 10 mm

Shop the ingredients here.